Monday, August 2, 2010

Meanwhile, At Stately Wayne Manor...

Bruce Wayne cash (noun): An amount of money so vast that it allows the person who has it to do, essentially, whatever he or she desires. Usually used hypothetically.

"Man, I swear, if I had some serious Bruce Wayne cash, I would get myself an adult-sized baby carriage and just get rolled around all day."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gotta Do Something On A Wednesday Night

wabbajack: [wah-buh-jak] - verb :

To apply the Internet to a given object or situation, causing a random and unpredictable effect; usually involving horse based pornography.

"I needed to figure out what to make for dinner so I wabbajacked it and I ended up watching a three hour documentary on the history of the rise of bureaucracy in Ancient China . . . and also some horse porn."

wabbajackin' off: [wah-buh-jak-in awf] - verb :

Making an activity or hobby out of applying the Internet to objects or situations to cause random and unpredictable effects; usually involving horse based pornography.

"I didn't have anything to do last night so I figured I'd spend the night wabbajackin' off. I started off googling 'crock pot recipes'. Next thing I know I'm at a bar in Jersey doing tall shots of cheap Mexican beer and tobasco . . . and watching horse porn."

Monday, April 26, 2010


Someone Fucked Over A Gypsy (phrase): An observation about a state of affairs so unlucky that it seems to be the result of some kind of mystical curse.

"In the last two weeks, Jim got into a car accident, found out his girlfriend used to be a dude, had his credit card stolen, and was evicted from his apartment. Someone fucked over a gypsy."

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Walkin' Out the Cornfield

Walkin' Out the Cornfield (phrase): used to describe a person who looks as though they belong in another period of time, namely in the past. To have a historic look about you.

“Look at that little cutie over there, she sure is workin' that flapper dress & short bob. Girl be Walkin' Out the Cornfield in style!”

Friday, June 12, 2009

4th and Long

4th and long (noun): a reference to a play in American football, referring to a last-ditch attempt to salvage a recently ended romantic relationship, usually very shortly after its conclusion.

“I broke it off with April last week, but she invited me over tonight for dinner and told me to bring wine. I think she might be trying a 4th and long.”

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Takin' the back roads in Buttzville"

takin' the back roads in buttzville (phrase): a term for anal sex

"My boyfriend keeps trying to get me to take the back roads in Buttzville but I'm not really into it."

Monday, May 11, 2009

Comma, bitch!

Comma, bitch!: (exclamation) a phrase added after a report of exceedingly mundane activity, designed to make the content of the preceding statement seem more exciting, bad-ass, or impressive.

“This morning before work I stopped at Duane Reade to pick up some orange juice and Listerine. Comma, bitch!”