Monday, August 2, 2010

Meanwhile, At Stately Wayne Manor...

Bruce Wayne cash (noun): An amount of money so vast that it allows the person who has it to do, essentially, whatever he or she desires. Usually used hypothetically.

"Man, I swear, if I had some serious Bruce Wayne cash, I would get myself an adult-sized baby carriage and just get rolled around all day."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gotta Do Something On A Wednesday Night

wabbajack: [wah-buh-jak] - verb :

To apply the Internet to a given object or situation, causing a random and unpredictable effect; usually involving horse based pornography.

"I needed to figure out what to make for dinner so I wabbajacked it and I ended up watching a three hour documentary on the history of the rise of bureaucracy in Ancient China . . . and also some horse porn."

wabbajackin' off: [wah-buh-jak-in awf] - verb :

Making an activity or hobby out of applying the Internet to objects or situations to cause random and unpredictable effects; usually involving horse based pornography.

"I didn't have anything to do last night so I figured I'd spend the night wabbajackin' off. I started off googling 'crock pot recipes'. Next thing I know I'm at a bar in Jersey doing tall shots of cheap Mexican beer and tobasco . . . and watching horse porn."

Monday, April 26, 2010


Someone Fucked Over A Gypsy (phrase): An observation about a state of affairs so unlucky that it seems to be the result of some kind of mystical curse.

"In the last two weeks, Jim got into a car accident, found out his girlfriend used to be a dude, had his credit card stolen, and was evicted from his apartment. Someone fucked over a gypsy."