Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Grunch

grunch [gruhnch] - exclamation : Onomatopoeia for the sound that is made when Life kicks you in the metaphorical balls.

"I just sat on my girlfriend's birthday cake. GRUNCH!"

noun form:

Any event, action or consequence that would cause that sound to be made.

"I specifically told him to be careful when he sat down, but he still managed to sit on the cake. It was a solid grunch."

"Deliver the grunch!" - [di-liv-er thuh gruhnch] exclamation: Said in recognition of an oncoming grunch.

"I am gonna catch so much shit for sitting on this cake. Deliver the grunch!"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Go tit

Go tit: (verb) to become a lesbian; in the case of a gay man, to return to dating women. ("I am seriously done with men. I'm going tit.")